
The telesign Python Package contains the TeleSign Python SDK software, and it is registered with the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Installing the SDK

There are three approaches you can use to install the SDK:

Using pip

On platforms other than Windows, we recommend using pip to install telesign, using the following command:

$ pip install telesign

To install a specific version of telesign, simply add the version number to the command line, as in the following example:

$ pip install telesign==1.0.0

To upgrade an existing telesign installation, use the –upgrade switch, as in the following example:

$ pip install --upgrade telesign

Using easy_install

On Windows-based Python deployments, you can use Easy Install to install telesign, using the following command:

$ easy_install telesign

To upgrade an existing telesign installation, use the -U switch, as in the following example:

$ easy_install -U telesign

Using our source

If you would like to try-out the latest bits, you can clone a local version of our public source code repository on GitHub, and then install from your enlistment, as in the following example:

$ git clone git:// telesign
$ cd telesign/
$ python install